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Bravermans Scathing Resignation Letter

Suella Braverman Resigns as Home Secretary

Braverman's Scathing Resignation Letter

Updated November 14, 2023 | 5:37 PM

Suella Braverman, the UK's former Home Secretary, has released a stinging resignation letter in which she strongly criticized Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's government. Braverman's departure is the latest in a series of high-profile resignations within the Conservative Party, which has been facing criticism over its economic policies and handling of internal dissent.

Resignation Letter

In her resignation letter, Braverman accused the government of breaking "key pledges" on immigration and other issues. She also expressed concern over the "erosion" of the Conservative Party's core values.

Read Suella Braverman's resignation letter in full: Full Resignation Letter

Reaction to Resignation

Braverman's resignation has been met with a mixed reaction. Some Conservative MPs have praised her for speaking out against the government's policies, while others have criticized her for the timing of her departure.

The government has said it "respects" Braverman's decision and will continue to implement its agenda.

Impact on Government

Braverman's resignation is likely to have a significant impact on the government. She was a key ally of Sunak and her departure will weaken his authority within the Conservative Party.

The government is also facing pressure from the opposition Labour Party, which has called for an early general election. The Labour Party is currently leading in opinion polls and could pose a serious threat to the Conservatives at the next election.
